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  1. 英語で野球観戦する時に知っておきたい基礎用語
    1. Inning(回、イニング)
    2. Top(表)
    3. Bottom(裏)
    4. Batter (バッター)
    5. Pitcher (投手)
    6. Strike (ストライク)
    7. Ball (ボール)
    8. Home run (ホームラン)
    9. Out (アウト)
    10. Double play (ダブルプレー)
    11. Error (エラー)
    12. RBI (打点)
    13. Bunt (バント)
    14. Foul ball (ファウルボール)
    15. Walk (四球)
    16. Steal (盗塁)
    17. Strikeout (三振)
    18. Ground ball (ゴロ)
    19. Fly ball (フライボール)
    20. Pinch hitter (代打)
    21. Relief pitcher (救援投手)
    22. On-deck circle (次打席)
    23. Sacrifice fly (犠牲フライ)
    24. Designated hitter (指名打者)
    25. No-hitter (ノーヒット)
    26. Shutout (完封)
    27. Dugout (ベンチ)
    28. Bullpen (ブルペン)
    29. Wild pitch (暴投)
    30. Balk (ボーク)
    31. Intentional walk (敬遠)
    32. Leadoff hitter (先頭打者)
    33. Grand slam (グランドスラム)
    34. Base hit (安打)
    35. Triple play (トリプルプレー)
    36. Slugging percentage (長打率)
    37. On-base percentage (出塁率)
    38. Switch hitter (スイッチヒッター)
    39. Stolen base (盗塁)
    40. Umpire (審判員)
    41. Extra innings (延長戦)
    42. Doubleheader (ダブルヘッダー)
    43. Line drive (ライナー)
    44. Pop fly (ポップフライ)
    45. Strike zone (ストライクゾーン)
    46. Warning track (ウォーニングゾーン)
    47. Passed ball (パスボール)
    48. Pitcher’s mound (投手マウンド)
    49. Force out (フォースアウト)
  2. 野球の各ポジションの英語
    1. Pitcher (投手) 略称「P、RHP(右投げ)、LHP(左投げ)」
    2. Catcher (捕手) 略称「C」
    3. First baseman (一塁手) 略称「1B」
    4. Second baseman (二塁手) 略称「1B」
    5. Third baseman (三塁手) 略称「3B」
    6. Shortstop (遊撃手) 略称「SS」
    7. Left fielder (左翼手) 略称「LF」
    8. Center fielder (中堅手) 略称「CF」
    9. Right fielder (右翼手) 略称「RF」
    10. Designated hitter (指名打者) 略称「DH」
  3. 野球観戦する時によく聞く英語のフレーズ
    1. Full count (フルカウント)
    2. On deck (ネクストバッターズサークル)
    3. Wild pitch (暴投)
    4. Pinch hitter (代打)
    5. Extra innings (延長戦)
    6. Switch hitter (スイッチヒッター)
    7. Caught stealing (盗塁失敗)
    8. No-hitter (ノーヒット)
    9. Going the distance (完投)
    10. Walk-off win (サヨナラ勝ち)
    11. Grand slam (満塁ホームラン)
    12. Double play (ダブルプレイ)
  4. 野球の試合後のインタビューでよく聞く英語のフレーズ
    1. Game-winning hit (勝ち越しヒット)
    2. Clutch performance (勝負強いパフォーマンス)
    3. Team effort (チームの努力)
    4. Looking ahead (今後について)
    5. Overcoming adversity (困難を乗り越える)
    6. Role model (手本となる人)
    7. Improvement (改善)
    8. Support from fans (ファンからのサポート)
  5. 英語で野球観戦する時に知っておきたいスラング
    1. Walk-off hit (サヨナラヒット)
    2. Going yard (ホームランを打つ)
    3. Painting the corners (コーナーを抑える)
    4. Can of corn (簡単なフライボール)
    5. Golden sombrero (4三振)
    6. Seeing-eye single (弱い当たりでのヒット)
    7. Whiff (空振り三振)
    8. Backdoor slider (バックドアスライダー)
    9. Meatball (簡単に打てる球)
    10. On the bump (投手がマウンドに立つ)
    11. Southpaw (左投げの投手)
    12. Rubber game (ゲームの決定戦)
    13. Extra innings (延長戦)
    14. Heat (速球)
    15. Launch angle (打球角度)
    16. Platoon (右打者と左打者を交互に起用する戦術)
    17. Wheelhouse (バッターの得意な打撃ゾーン)
    18. Punch out (三振させる)
    19. Yakker (カーブボール)
    20. Dinger (ホームラン)
    21. Rake (打ちまくる)
    22. Gas (速球)
  6. まとめ
  7. MLB公式の用語集
  8. MLB公式試合球 オフィシャルボール


アーキテクチャ 美術 観客 野球場 野球 市 色 デザイン フィールド 楽しい ゲーム


例文:The game is divided into nine innings, with each team batting and fielding once per inning.(試合は9イニングに分かれており、各チームはイニングごとに1回ずつバッティングと守備を行います。)


例文:In the top of the third inning, the visiting team scored two runs, taking the lead. (3回表で、訪問チームが2点を挙げ、リードを奪いました。)


例文:During the bottom of the seventh inning, the home team rallied, scoring three runs to tie the game. (7回裏で、ホームチームが反撃し、3点を挙げて試合を同点にしました。)

Batter (バッター)

例文:The batter is up to bat and waiting for the pitcher to throw the ball. (バッターは打席に立ち、投手がボールを投げるのを待っています。)

Pitcher (投手)

例文:The pitcher is responsible for throwing the ball to the batter. (投手はバッターにボールを投げる役割があります。)

Strike (ストライク)

例文:The umpire called a strike as the batter swung and missed the ball. (バッターがボールを振り抜いてミスったため、審判はストライクを宣告しました。)

Ball (ボール)

例文:The pitcher threw a ball as it was outside the strike zone. (投手がストライクゾーンの外に投げたため、ボールと判定されました。)

Home run (ホームラン)

例文:The crowd cheered as the batter hit a home run. (バッターがホームランを打つと、観客は歓声をあげました。)

Out (アウト)

例文:The runner was tagged out at second base.

Double play (ダブルプレー)

例文:The infielders turned a quick double play to end the inning.

Error (エラー)

例文:The shortstop made an error, allowing the runner to reach base safely.

RBI (打点)

例文:The batter hit a single, driving in a run and earning an RBI. (バッターがシングルヒットを打ち、1点を追加し、打点を記録しました。)

Bunt (バント)

例文:The batter successfully laid down a bunt, advancing the runner to second base.

Foul ball (ファウルボール)

例文:The batter hit a foul ball that landed outside the field lines. (バッターはフィールドラインの外に着地したファウルボールを打ちました。)

Walk (四球)

例文:The batter earned a walk after the pitcher threw four balls outside the strike zone. (投手がストライクゾーンの外に4つのボールを投げた後、バッターは四球を獲得しました。)

Steal (盗塁)

例文:The runner successfully stole second base while the pitcher was focused on the batter.

Strikeout (三振)

例文:The pitcher struck out the batter with a well-placed fastball.

Ground ball (ゴロ)

例文:The batter hit a ground ball that was fielded by the second baseman.

Fly ball (フライボール)

例文:The outfielder caught the fly ball, resulting in an out.

Pinch hitter (代打)

例文:The manager sent in a pinch hitter to try and score a run.

Relief pitcher (救援投手)

例文:The relief pitcher came in to replace the starting pitcher after he struggled.

On-deck circle (次打席)

例文:The batter in the on-deck circle is warming up before his at-bat.

Sacrifice fly (犠牲フライ)

例文:The batter hit a sacrifice fly, allowing the runner on third to score.

Designated hitter (指名打者)

例文:The designated hitter is only responsible for batting and does not play defense.

No-hitter (ノーヒット)

例文:The pitcher threw a no-hitter, preventing the opposing team from getting any hits.

Shutout (完封)

例文:The pitcher completed a shutout, not allowing the opposing team to score any runs. (投手は完封を達成し、対戦相手が得点することを防ぎました。)

Dugout (ベンチ)

例文:The players in the dugout cheered on their teammates during the game.

Bullpen (ブルペン)

例文:The relief pitchers were warming up in the bullpen, preparing to enter the game.

Wild pitch (暴投)

例文:The runner advanced to second base on a wild pitch from the pitcher.

Balk (ボーク)

例文:The pitcher was called for a balk, allowing the runner to advance to the next base.

Intentional walk (敬遠)

例文:The opposing team decided to give the star batter an intentional walk, fearing his offensive capabilities.

Leadoff hitter (先頭打者)

例文:The leadoff hitter’s main objective is to get on base and set the table for the rest of the lineup.

Grand slam (グランドスラム)

例文:The batter hit a grand slam, scoring four runs with one swing of the bat.

Base hit (安打)

例文:The player recorded a base hit, reaching first base safely.

Triple play (トリプルプレー)

例文:The defensive team executed a rare triple play, getting three outs on a single play.

Slugging percentage (長打率)

例文:The player’s high slugging percentage indicates his ability to hit for power.

On-base percentage (出塁率)

例文:A high on-base percentage is important for a leadoff hitter, as it shows their ability to consistently reach base.

Switch hitter (スイッチヒッター)

例文:The switch hitter can bat from both sides of the plate, making it difficult for pitchers to face him.

Stolen base (盗塁)

例文:The speedy runner added another stolen base to his season total, increasing his league-leading number.

Umpire (審判員)

例文:The umpire made a close call at first base, ruling the runner out after a close play.

Extra innings (延長戦)

例文:The game remained tied after nine innings, so it went into extra innings to determine the winner.

Doubleheader (ダブルヘッダー)

例文:The teams are scheduled to play a doubleheader today, with two games back-to-back.

Line drive (ライナー)

例文:The batter hit a hard line drive that was caught by the third baseman, resulting in an out.

Pop fly (ポップフライ)

例文:The batter hit a high pop fly, which was easily caught by the infielder for an out.

Strike zone (ストライクゾーン)

例文:The pitcher aimed to throw the ball within the strike zone, hoping to get a called strike.

Warning track (ウォーニングゾーン)

例文:The outfielder caught the ball just before reaching the warning track, preventing a home run.

Passed ball (パスボール)

例文:The catcher failed to catch the pitch, resulting in a passed ball and allowing the runner to advance.

Pitcher’s mound (投手マウンド)

例文:The pitcher took a deep breath and prepared to throw from the pitcher’s mound.

Force out (フォースアウト)

例文:The infielder threw the ball to second base, getting a force out and preventing the runner from advancing.


Pitcher (投手) 略称「P、RHP(右投げ)、LHP(左投げ)」

例文:The pitcher’s job is to throw the ball and prevent the opposing team from scoring runs.

Catcher (捕手) 略称「C」

例文:The catcher works closely with the pitcher to call the game and is responsible for blocking balls in the dirt.

First baseman (一塁手) 略称「1B」

例文:The first baseman is responsible for fielding ground balls and catching throws from other infielders to get outs at first base.

Second baseman (二塁手) 略称「1B」

例文:The second baseman is a key player in turning double plays and often has a quick and accurate throw to first base.

Third baseman (三塁手) 略称「3B」

例文:The third baseman needs quick reflexes to field hard-hit balls down the line and a strong arm to make long throws across the diamond.

Shortstop (遊撃手) 略称「SS」

例文:The shortstop covers a wide range of ground in the middle of the infield and is often the team’s best defensive player.

Left fielder (左翼手) 略称「LF」

例文:The left fielder is responsible for covering the left side of the outfield and has a strong arm to throw runners out at home plate or third base.

Center fielder (中堅手) 略称「CF」

例文:The center fielder has excellent range and speed to cover the vast area of the outfield and often serves as the captain of the outfielders.

Right fielder (右翼手) 略称「RF」

例文:The right fielder is responsible for covering the right side of the outfield and needs a strong arm to throw runners out at third base or home plate.

Designated hitter (指名打者) 略称「DH」

例文:The designated hitter does not play in the field but focuses on hitting, often batting in the middle of the lineup to provide extra offensive power.


スポーツ 野球 本物 玉 再生 感情 屋外 ゲーム 競争 強度 マッチ シカゴ

Full count (フルカウント)

実況:The pitcher delivers the pitch, and it’s a full count now.

解説:With a full count, the batter has to be ready for anything because the next pitch could be a ball or a strike.

On deck (ネクストバッターズサークル)

実況:The next batter is on deck, warming up and getting ready for his at-bat.

解説:The on-deck hitter should be focused on the pitcher’s mechanics and timing, so he’s prepared when it’s his turn to bat.

Wild pitch (暴投)

実況:Oh, that’s a wild pitch! The runner on third is coming home to score.

解説:A wild pitch can really change the momentum of the game, allowing runners to advance and potentially score.

Pinch hitter (代打)

実況:The manager is calling for a pinch hitter to bat in this crucial situation.

解説:A pinch hitter can provide a spark for the offense, giving the team a better chance to score with a clutch hit.

Extra innings (延長戦)

実況:The game is tied after nine innings, so we’re headed to extra innings.

解説:In extra innings, both teams have to rely on their bullpen and bench depth to try and secure a victory.

Switch hitter (スイッチヒッター)

実況:The next batter is a switch hitter, able to bat from both sides of the plate.

解説:A switch hitter has the advantage of always facing the pitcher from the opposite side, making it more difficult for the pitcher to exploit their weaknesses.

Caught stealing (盗塁失敗)

実況:The runner takes off for second base, but the catcher’s throw is in time, and he’s caught stealing.

解説:Being caught stealing can be a momentum killer for the offense, as it takes away a potential scoring opportunity.

No-hitter (ノーヒット)

実況:The pitcher has thrown a no-hitter through eight innings, only three outs away from making history.

解説:A no-hitter is a rare feat in baseball, and it requires a combination of skill, focus, and a bit of luck to achieve.

Going the distance (完投)

実況:The starting pitcher has been phenomenal today, going the distance and giving his team a chance to win.

解説:Going the distance means the starting pitcher throws a complete game, which can save the bullpen and give the team a psychological boost.

Walk-off win (サヨナラ勝ち)

実況:With the bases loaded in the bottom of the ninth, the batter hits a walk-off single to win the game.

解説:A walk-off win is always thrilling, as it occurs when the home team scores the winning run in the final inning.

Grand slam (満塁ホームラン)

実況:With the bases loaded, the batter crushes a grand slam, scoring four runs and putting his team in the lead.

解説:A grand slam is a home run hit with the bases loaded, and it’s one of the most exciting plays in baseball, as it can quickly change the momentum of a game.

Double play (ダブルプレイ)

実況:The shortstop fields the ground ball, flips it to the second baseman who turns and throws to first for a double play.

解説:A double play can quickly stifle an offense’s momentum by getting two outs with one play, potentially helping the team escape a tough inning.


インタビュー マイクロフォン マイク メディア 無線 ジャーナリスト ポッドキャスト レポーター

Game-winning hit (勝ち越しヒット)

レポーター:Can you walk us through your thought process during that at-bat when you hit the game-winning RBI?

選手:I was just trying to stay focused and look for a pitch I could drive. I got a fastball in the zone, and I was able to make solid contact.

Clutch performance (勝負強いパフォーマンス)

レポーター:What do you think contributed to your clutch performance today?

選手:I think staying relaxed and trusting my preparation helped me come through in those high-pressure situations.

Team effort (チームの努力)

レポーター:How important was the team effort in securing this victory?

選手:It was crucial. Everyone contributed in some way, whether it was pitching, hitting, or playing solid defense. It was a true team win.

Looking ahead (今後について)

レポーター:What are your thoughts on the upcoming series against your rivals?

選手:Looking ahead to the upcoming series against our rivals, we’re going to take it one game at a time, stay focused, and play our best baseball. We know they’re a tough team, but we’re ready for the challenge.

Overcoming adversity (困難を乗り越える)

レポーター:You’ve faced some challenges this season. How have you managed to overcome adversity and stay focused on your goals?

選手:It’s all about staying positive and relying on my teammates for support. We all have each other’s backs, and that helps us push through the tough times.

Role model (手本となる人)

レポーター:Is there a player you’ve always looked up to or considered a role model in your baseball career?

選手:Growing up, I always admired Derek Jeter for his work ethic, leadership, and clutch performances. I try to emulate his approach to the game.

Improvement (改善)

レポーター:What aspect of your game would you like to improve on moving forward?

選手:I’d like to work on my plate discipline and become more consistent with making contact. It’s an ongoing process, but I believe I can keep getting better.

Support from fans (ファンからのサポート)

レポーター:How much does the support from the fans mean to you and the team?

選手:The fans’ support means everything to us. They bring so much energy to the ballpark, and it really helps us perform at our best.


野球 キャッチャー プレートに出て クローズプレイ 泥 アスリート 競争 プレイヤー 大学野球

Walk-off hit (サヨナラヒット)

例文:The batter delivered a walk-off hit in the bottom of the ninth, winning the game for his team.

Going yard (ホームランを打つ)

例文:The slugger went yard with a towering home run, adding to his team’s lead.

Painting the corners (コーナーを抑える)

例文:The pitcher was painting the corners, making it difficult for the batters to hit his pitches.

Can of corn (簡単なフライボール)

例文:The outfielder easily caught the can of corn, recording the second out of the inning.

Golden sombrero (4三振)

例文:The batter struck out four times in the game, earning the unfortunate distinction of a golden sombrero.

Seeing-eye single (弱い当たりでのヒット)

例文:The batter managed to get a seeing-eye single through the infield, keeping the rally alive.

Whiff (空振り三振)

例文:The batter took a big swing but ended up with a whiff, missing the ball completely.

Backdoor slider (バックドアスライダー)

例文:The pitcher threw a backdoor slider, catching the batter off guard and getting a called strike.

Meatball (簡単に打てる球)

例文:The pitcher made a mistake and threw a meatball, which the batter crushed for a home run.

On the bump (投手がマウンドに立つ)

例文:The ace pitcher will be on the bump for tonight’s game, giving the team a great chance to win.

Southpaw (左投げの投手)

例文:The opposing team’s lineup had trouble hitting against the southpaw starter, resulting in a low-scoring game.

Rubber game (ゲームの決定戦)

例文:Today’s rubber game will determine the winner of the three-game series between the two teams.

Extra innings (延長戦)

例文:The game remained tied after nine innings, so it went into extra innings to decide the winner.

Heat (速球)

例文:The pitcher threw some serious heat, reaching speeds over 100 miles per hour on his fastball.

Launch angle (打球角度)

例文:The batter has been working on his launch angle, hoping to hit more home runs this season.

Platoon (右打者と左打者を交互に起用する戦術)

例文:The manager uses a platoon strategy to maximize his lineup’s offensive production against both right-handed and left-handed pitchers.

Wheelhouse (バッターの得意な打撃ゾーン)

例文:The pitcher made a mistake and threw the ball right into the batter’s wheelhouse, resulting in a home run.

Punch out (三振させる)

例文:The closer came in to pitch the ninth inning and punched out the side, securing the victory for his team.

Yakker (カーブボール)

例文:The pitcher’s yakker was nearly unhittable, fooling the batters and keeping them off-balance.

Dinger (ホームラン)

例文:The cleanup hitter crushed a dinger over the center field wall, giving his team a much-needed lead.

Rake (打ちまくる)

例文:The rookie sensation has been raking since his call-up, leading the league in batting average.

Gas (速球)

例文:The pitcher blew a fastball by the batter, showing off his impressive gas and getting a big strikeout.









MLB公式試合球 オフィシャルボール

ローリングス(Rawlings) 硬式 野球ボール MLB 公式試合球 ROMLB6 メジャーリーグ
¥2,640(2025/02/24 03:23時点)
【素材】表革/天然皮革 【製造】コスタリカ